Thursday, July 05, 2007

Itchy Things

Well, with the advent of warm weather, the time to do outdoorsy things has arrived. Unfortunately for fat guys like me, warm weather didn't show up this year, instead the temperature went from comfortable staight to hotter than blazes with no time at all for warm or even hot. Heavy guys don't need extra heat, we sweat too much anyway. The hot weather does have one benefit though, it killed most of the grass so we didn't have to mow until the other day when it decided to rain about 4 inches in 3 hours. It washed most of my father's garden into my yard too. The few corn stalks that hadn't been burnt within millimeters of ash were drowned, so I guess things evened out.

In clearing the area around the chicken coops and mowing the yard, I managed to get poison ivy on my right leg, where it keeps moving around. I was wearing jeans while working. Then a week later I wore the same jeans, after washing them in hot water and detergent from a major manufactorer, and got poison ivy on the back of my right knee and the front of my left leg. Apparently instead of washing off the vicious oil, I just relocated it on the jeans.

We hosed the area around the one coop with weed killer, and it seems to be working, but the blasted poison oil stays in the dead plants forever, you can get itchy hauling the carcus of the stuff away. I have also picked up several ticks this spring and summer. They are bad here in middle Tennessee. They have been bad for several years. I picked one off my balls last week. You want to talk about something scary to a man!!!!!!!!

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