Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Long Time No Updates

Sorry my wandering mind hasn't passed this way lately. Things are happening both good and bad. First, the lovely economic downturn is having it's effects on the state. They are looking to lay off 2000 people which will really help with the unemployment rate. Naturally everyone is nervous. Considering the public safety issue of my job, I don't forsee getting canned, but it could happen. Won't know much until August.

Second job is killing me. I have no free time except for weekends, which I am too tired to really enjoy. I can't afford to let it go, at least not for another 2 or 3 months.

Wifey finally got it in gear and went back to school. In less than three months she passed her GED. Now she is a graduate. We went to her graduation last Thursday. For a present, I scraped together the cash for her to get her carry permit. She took the class Monday and aced it. Half-way there. Yesterday we talked and she is interested in going to technical school, possibly as a massage therapist. It will cost, but maybe we can get some family help and or financial aid. I have been considerring going to law school, but I want wifey to have her chance to shine. She deserves to get the tools to land a good job, instead of the crap she's been having. I am really proud of her. Too top it all off, she has not smoked in over 3 months. What a woman I have, smart, sexy, and determined once she makes up her mind.

My father isn't doing well. He had a stroke about 12 years ago and scared hell out of us. He recovered and putters around pretty well now. I would say he got back to 95 %. He never recovered all his stamina, but otherwise was good. Now we found out he has 2 blockages. One is in his heart and 1 in his leg. He also has a hernia in front of his heart, making it hard to see the problem. He goes in today for a dye test afterwhich we will know more. We are all terrified, and he isn't taking it well. My father and I are a lot alike in some ways, unfortunately a general hatred and terror of hospitals is one of them. The whole family is kind of in shock, I am not ready to not have Dad around, so I pray an awful lot.

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