Monday, September 28, 2009

More Thoughts on a New TV Season

Well, Saturday it decided to put about 6 million inches of rain down, so I went to sidereel and caught a few season premieres and normal episodes of a few shows. I watched the season opener for Medium, I always liked this show, it centered more around the very real seeming family relationships and what Alison's abilities and job did to there family life. The season opener from last season's cliff hanger was okay, not really anything special, but then they had to resolve the cliff hanger. I did like the ending, though.

I caught another episode of Monk. That show has gotten a bit old, but this is the last season. I liked wings, and his taxi driver character was great there. I liked his neurotic detective bit, but really, how long can they go on with it? And I didn't catch the series until Trayler Howard had joined, and I like her, so when I see an old episode with Sharona I find it inferior to the Natalie episodes.

The opener for the Mentalist was on. I almost missed this, unusual job/skill set makes a guy a super detective, cop show last season. It is okay, sort of falls into the Medium, Monk, Psych, Castle, Numbers catagory of show. Last season they spent most of it setting up the main character. He was a fake psychic who upset a serial killer enough the guy off the mentalist's wife and kid. Now he hunts the killer acting as a consultant for the CBI, a fake state investigative agency. The killer taunts him whenever the series needs a boost. The first season gave this backstory and established that this guy basically can really read and manipulate people because he was a big time con man. The only problem I have is with this episode. For someone so smart and good with people, he did a really bad job dealing with the law enforcement officers. I guess they needed it to create tension and conflict and plot points for this season's overriding story arc, but really, if your main character works because of certain things, don't have him behaving like a sulky third grader and making mistakes a low grade moron would make trying to get his way.

The Simpsons is a show I quit watching on a regular basis. I can't believe it is still on. It is well past it's prime and is pretty much repeating itself, but still manages to pull a few laughs and have more fun than about half the shows on the air. I also watched Family Guy, despite the fact that it is now more embarrassing than it is funny.

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