Friday, October 30, 2009

Gripe, Moan, Gripe, Moan

It's the end of the month and I have stuff I need to do. I want to take off early today because next month is guarantendamntied to be extra nightmarishly stressful. Why? Well, glad you asked. You see we get 3, count 'em, 3 days off for the holidays. The problem? Well that would be that we have to shovel the work for those 3 days into the remaining days. Still that isn't that big of a deal as it happens every year. The problem is the 4 mandatory training days that are also on there. Why they set up 4 full training days in a row on a month where we are already 3 full days short I will never know, but there you go. I am losing 7 full working days. Now I guess I could come in and work on those holidays, but I won't be compensated for it. Although if I have to, I might come in and work on some warrants or paperwork. But I would really rather not do that. Well, lets get to work. Put it off long enough.

1 comment:

MsPsycho said...

I feel ya... Somedays you just don't even want to get out of bed, let alone go to work. But you do what you gotta do.

Hope you have a great day!