I had a friend in high school and college who like to refer to those individuals with the intellectual capacity of a half-melted ice cube and the tendency to do things without consulting anyone with more brainpower than the average rock as sexual intellectuals. That was just his way of saying fucking idiots. I feel that I have either been in the presence of, or basked in the glow of, several sexual intellectuals lately and in an attempt to purge my soul, I shall blog about em.
First let's discuss work. I have a client who is a parolee from another state. She transfered here to live with a family member. She came into the office last month and was griping because she says Tennessee, and in particular our poor rural area of said state, doesn't have programs to help parolees get jobs. She said the state she came from had training programs and interview training and even gave you a full set of clothes. Apparently she wandered around begging and Goodwill gave her a skirt and jacket and a church bought her a pair of shoes, but no one gave her underware. Three things came to my mind, but through a superhuman effort of will I supressed them. I probably shouldn't as I think the effort elevated my bloodpressure. First thing I thought was "What the hell kind of job are you applying for where they see your underwear?" Second thing I thought was "If the state you came from is so damn nice to parolees, why didn't you stay?" Third thing I thought, was a 2 parter. First I thought "Why should the state give you anything, the state didn't tell you to get your butt locked up." Then I thought, "but if Tennessee did have a program, it would be for our home-grown thugs, not our imported ones."
Now I do think the state could improve how we deal with recently released parolees. I think all of them serving more than 3 years, and the ones serving 3 years who aren't releasing to live with direct family, should have to release into a state run halfway house. Currently the state doesn't run any half-way houses. While we do have some standards to be state approved, they are too lax. There are no mandatory rules for drug testing, program requirements, curfews, ect. Most of the ones I have dealt with require a month's rent up front, have no programs to help them find jobs or get to interviews, and tend to kick them out when the second month's rent is late. We even had one that was letting them drug test each other. There are actually only 2 in this area that seem geared toward helping the offenders succeed and stay out of jail, the rest seem to want that first month's rent and forget anything else. I think if they state set up regional half-way houses, staffed them with a PO 24/7 and a social worker for 2 shift, and included a first-shift job counceller, a and d treatment, anger management classes, and required everyone paroling out to spend at least a year in the program before being evaluated it would really reduce reoffending. It would give them a chance to get on there feet, readjust to the world, find jobs, reestablish connections with family while giving them a grounded, guaranteed place to live, and transportation to and training for interviews, keep them drug free. It would cost money, but the state might be able to cut back a little on PO's in current offices by moving some in to these houses. Our current offices are over run and over worked as it is.
Anyway, the thing that brought the above genius to mind was that she came to see me yesterday and set me off again. Again I eleveated my blood pressure by restraining myself. You see she found a job at a local factory. The first thing she did was move out, as she and her sister were arguing. I told her she needed to hold off and save a little money first, but she didn't listen, so of course she ran into money problems and started looking for handouts, a local program told her they would TRY to help her with her rent, but when she went back they told her they didn't have any funds. The economic crunch of the last couple of years has pretty much wiped out most of the local charities. So this woman tells me the program sucked and almost caused her to lose her apartment. It's freaking charity lady!!!!!!!! You aren't ENTITLED to IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You shouldn't DEPEND on it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You had a FREE place to stay as long as you helped keep it clean, YOU left despite being told to be patient and save up enough money so if you lost your job you could survive a couple of months. Then she told me we have some funny looking people going and coming in our office. I started to say, "YEAH and you are one of them." I didn't. Considerring she was in prison for shooting a man, probably a wise move.
I live in a different county than I work. The county seat of the county I live in is a small town where the rate for solving murders is not inspirational, unless you are a murderer anyway. A local business man from a well respected family was found shot in his house about a year ago. It looked like he opened his door for someone and was shot by whoever was at the door. It was in the middle of a prominent subdivision. If the case is going anywhere, the police aren't saying anything. A local oriented forum has a lot of posts dealing with this. The forum seems more a home for flame wars than offering any real information. I check the forums occasionally if I am really bored, but it's more for entertainment than anything. A certain person or group of people on there seem to have decided that the man's wife had him killed because apparently she is sleeping with every married man in the county and even a few unmarried ones. Perhaps sleeping isn't the right word, as according to them her crotch has its own frequent visiter program. If she does even half what they claim, I don't see how she can walk, or have time to be seen in all the places she is, as she would need to have her food delivered to her bed room and never sleep to service all her man toys. And some how I missed out again, as I haven't sampled her wares.
I actually knew her at one time. She is 2 or 3 years younger than I and I was aquainted with her slighly in high school. We were in science club together I believe. She was nice enough, and cute, but a little pudgy, although mostly pudgy in the interesting places. When she started college, I ran into her again, and remember she wasn't pudgy anymore, just curvy and attractive, but she was in a relationship. I saw her occasionally on campus, then not again for several years. I ran into her about 12 years or so ago, we talked a little and I haven't seen her since. I might have seen her and not recognized her for all I know. I don't spend much time in the town, just to pay utility bills once monthly. Anyway, that's a long way to say that one of the men she is rumored to be banging is a police officer. Apparently he was told to stay away from the case, so as to head off any issues, should anyone be arrested and tried for the murder. Well the officer involved served subpeona's on the local newspaper and the forums requesting ip addresses for some of the posters on both sites. He was fired for misconduct. This is where it gets confusing, and perhaps my lack of a law degree causes some of this confusion on my part.
Officially he was fired because he was told to have nothing to do with the case, but he then requested the information to track down these posters. He was fired, but he appealed this and the Police Department upheld the decision, so he appealed to the city commission and got legal representation, asking for his job back and some monetary compensation. He was shot out of the water, so now he is suing in chancery court for his job back claiming he was inproperly terminated without due process. The lawyer claimed in the last appeal, that termination was too harsh a punishment for his behavior.
There is so much I don't get here. The man disobeyed a direct order, he possibly damaged a murder investigation, possibly endangered a future court case, publicly embarrased both himself and the department, and may have done some things that are illegal. So firing is to harsh, to me I think he might have been prosecutable for misconduct and illegal use of authority.
You see he issued improper subpeonas. A subpeona is a document commanding some to be in court for a hearing. It is issued by the court clerk's office with the authority of the judge. It has to contain a date to appear or to produce the evidence requested in court and a court docket number. Since no one is arrested, there is neither a docket number nor a court date, so these subpeonas could not have either. The court clerk's office claimed the subpeonas were not improper at the last hearing, and that he filed copies with them, although I really think that was more to cover someone's rear than anything. First, I would think in an investigation, a search warrant would be issued to retrieve the information first. If a judge wouldn't grant a warrant then a subpeona might be issued and the argument made in court, but subpeonaing unknown evidence into a court case seems risky. Also, I would think it would be the DA's office issuing subpeonas, not a police officer, although I issue subpeonas in violation cases, so perhaps the local DA's office has the officers subpeona the witnesses. Anyway it seems fishy.
But here is the thing. This officer diobeyed an order from his superior. He endangered an ongoing investigation and potential capital crime trial He got caught and it was aired in public. He was fired. He has appealed and had 2 hearings both of which he lost. Now he is sueing and asking for his job back and reparations including backpay, benefits and lawyer fees. The claim is that he had no legal representation, no one was sworn, and there was no official record. There is also a claim that the two appeals were capricious and arbitrary and violate due process. First, are you supposed to have an opportunity to have a lawyer present when you get fired? I didn't know that. Second, why in the hell would he want to work there now. He was caught doing something naughty he was told not to. If they are forced to give him his job back, they are going to hate his guts and not trust him at all. They may not be able to fire him for a period of time, but you can bet everthing he does will be watched like a hawk. The will record ever single thing he does, every mistake, ever misstep and when they fill safe, they will fire him so hard and so far. You can also bet he will get the crap jobs and crap shift noone wants. If I was so convinced I was right, I would ask for the backpay, severance pay, a formal public apology and a written note of explaination and recommendation, then I would be gone fast. I sure wouldn't want to go back to work there.
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