Monday, February 22, 2010

Zombie Attack Part Two

Remember my long rambling disjointed post about my wife's laptop being repaired. Remember how I told you they wiped the damn thing and returned it to factory condition? Well, here is the follow up to the situation.

Since my wife and I no longer live together and she is planning to go to a sunnier warmer, more southern state to look for a job, she was depending on her lappy. Since I would not be easily available for repairs, once the laptop was like she wanted it, I made a backup image of the hard drive. I used Norton Ghost, because I've used it in the past and it was readily available. I ghosted it onto 3 dvds for her and set up a bootable usb stick. I also included a folder with her drivers on the usb stick, just incase she had a driver crap out on her. So when the laptop came back and I gave it to her, she went back to where she is staying and tried to reimage it. It didn't work. She called me and I tried to talk her through it. I finally gave up and told her to bring it to me. She finally did last night, and I couldn't get it to work either. I had no trouble getting it to create the image last August, but it wouldn't find the dvd drive for anything to reverse the process now. I change boot order, I loaded ghost from the USB stick and from DVD, but to no avail. Finally something jarred my memory. I had monkeyed with the boot order earlier, but I had gone no further in the bios. I went back in and sure enough, the setting on the drives was moved to sata. I put in on ide setting and everything came up roses. I reimaged her lappy back to its state in August. Ghost apparently doesn't like the ata drives, it found the hard drive, but not the dvd, even when booted to and loaded from said dvd. Does what ever process the factory service people use automatically reset the bios, or did some tech deliberately go in and reset everything I wonder. Oh well, all's well that ends that way I guess.

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