Tuesday, September 19, 2006


Well, I am a temporary bachelor. My wife decided to respond to her younger brother's emotional crisis by going to New York to visit him. She left last night. The house felt empty and the bed even more so. I didn't sleep well. The cats also act different when she is gone. I won't get any piece when I get home from work either. They will demand attention non-stop from their one human. Work is driving my nuts. My people seem to have gone nuts. Never the most stable, once the weather warmed and they started stirring, they have misbehaved most horribly. Truthfully, it is only about 20% of my case load, the other 80% seem to be trying at least a little, but the 20 or so percent make over 60% of my work. With the wife gone, I might put in a couple of late nights at the office and try to catch the paperwork up.

Of course, I have to fix her computer. It's old and been giving her some issues, so we decided to update it. Of course, I figured on doing it while she's gone, but she insisted on starting it Saturday night. Of course the new motherboard was defective and wouldn't even post, but the place I bought it wasn't open on Sunday. I was in court all Monday. So I took it in today for them to test. It was defective and it looks like I will pick up another on the way home, yay me.

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