Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Police Procedurals

Well, CBS is current kind of the police procedure shows on TV with there CSI franchise. NBC has fallen somewhat by the wayside with there older Law and Order group. At the moment Fox has Bones. Well, I hate to admit it, but I like cop shows for the most part. Of the current batch, the original CSI, Bones, and NCIS are my first string. I occasionally catch CSI New York. All three Law and Orders used to be semi-regular viewing, but have been dropped to nothing else at all to do status. CSI Miami was regular viewing until the sexy beast that was Emily Proctor could no longer over come the horror that is David Caruso.

Taking a look at the CSI franchise I see simularities of course, but some big differences. In similarities, each of the three centers around a team of young forensic investigators headed by a wise father-figure type. In the original it is William Peterson's Gil Grissom. He is still the perfect example. In Miami it is David Caruso's Horatio Cain, and with New York it is Gary Sinise's character who's name escapes me.

On the differences, William Peterson's character is important to the show, but not the show. It could function somewhat without him as recently proven. This character has apparently always been a CSI and worked his way up. The original show relies much less on stunt plotting, rarely reverting to something coming out of someone's past or private life bleeding over onto the job, and when it does happen, it seems less like an intrusion and more natural. Gil Grissom doesn't seem to dominate the spotlight and the show seems to allow the other CSI's to shine and to grow.

CSI New York also seems to work on this theory. The show doesn't really center around the main character, but allows the other CSI's room. It does seem to bring in more personal skeletons and crap, but not too intrusively. I don't watch it as regular, but the CSI's seem more bland than the one's in Vegas, but it could be my lack of viewing. I do think it is the better of the two spin offs. I think the main CSI has a military background and came out of law enforcement into the CSI realm.

CSI Miami seems to center around Horatio Caine, superdude. He's been everything, bomb squad, swat team, sniper, spiderman. Everything seems to revolve around him and you get the idea that is he left for more than a couple of days, Miami would sink into the ocean. Even when the show is supposed to deal with another CSI it always seems to come back to Caine. And so much is something coming out of the past, or back to haunt. Can't they just solve random crimes that don't involve terrorists, or someones deep dark secrets?

NCIS seems different, yes Jethro Gibbs is the central father-figure and a fount of wisdom, but 1) he's grumpy, 2)the show isn't meant to be as dark or serious as the CSI series, it's just a mindless romp, 3)he's a former marine sniper. The show is very tounge in cheek and filled with likable, somewhat stock characters with good chemisty. Abby, Ziva, and Agent Lee are hot enough for eye candy. You have the guy who almost married Jessica Alba for the ladies and then of course Gibbs, Ducky, Jennie for people who want more maturity. We also have the Probbie for the geekly inclined. I like the light atmosphere and it has more action than New York or Vegas, but is now where near as campy as Miami has unintentionally become.

Bones is also more humorous than CSI. It is intentional, although Bones can be dark too. I like the chemistry and while Booth and Bones are the core of the show, they don't hog the spotlight. The supporting cast work great and all get time to shine. The show is well written and ususally pleases. Bones and House are about my only Fox mainstays.

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