Friday, November 05, 2010

Recent Events

Things seem to have snowballed for me recently. It's hard to describe but it seems like I need more hours in the day just to cope with the minimum things I need to do, much less things I want to do. I realize that some of it is inefficient time management on my part, but I also seem to lack motivation and energy. I finally worked around to making a doctor's appointment for myself a week before my blood pressure medicine ran out. I hadn't been taking it like I am supposed to, for instance sometimes forgetting either 1 or 2 days on the weekends or skipping the pee pill part of it on days I have court of morning training at work. That pill runs me pretty regular to the restroom from 8 to 11 or so, and all the people from the outlying offices come in for the training as it is mandatory, so there is only 1 bathroom for all the men and only 2 for the women. Even if I can hold it until the breaks, I may end up driving to the nearest gas station for relief. I was prepared for bad news only to find that my blood pressure is down a bunch. After discussion with the doc, she confirms my opinion that I am suffering from depression. She put me on an antidepressant that is also supposed to provide some energy and motivation. She warned me about possible side effects including suicidal thoughts, insomnia, paranoia, ect. I am paranoid most days anyway so probably won't notice that and as I told the doctor, I am more worried about homicidal thoughts than suicidal ones. I have only been on it for 2 days but so far I am sleeping like a baby.

In more interesting news, we had an election. On the local front of said election, there were 2 interesting referendums, neither of which I could vote on. I live very close to the line between the county I live in and the county I work in. I actually spend more of my waking time in the work county as it is where I do most of my shopping, movie viewing, eating out, ect. The county I live in is the economic equivalent of a tumbleweed that hasn't blown away yet, and has little to offer. In the county I live in, the county seat (where I don't live) had a referendum on liquor by the drink. In simple terms, the county has been dry for my entire life, stores with the proper licensing can sell beer and malt liquor drinks and a few restaurants can sell beer with a meal. The liquor by the drink would allow establishments to serve stronger alcoholic beverages for on-premise consumption. It would still require licensing by both state and city governments and would obviously be regulated. The proponents of the referendum argue it would bring in additional sales tax, possibly some new restaurants and employment. The people against the
referendum proclaimed higher crime rates, particularly dui, hell fire, damnation, prostitution and violence in the streets, Mel Gibson visiting town in full apocalyptic glory. Now for some prospective on this. This is a small town growing visibly smaller by the year. The largest town to the north is a thriving small city which has liquor by the drink, to the northeast is a county with a county seat so small, it doesn't even have a chain fast food restaurant, but it allows the sell of liquor. The largest store sits right over the county line from my home county. The largest city in this area is the one I work in. It allows liquor by the drink and just voted in a referendum for liquor stores. This is to the south. They are going to allow 4 and expect them to possibly be open by the end of the year. The largest city to the east offers both liquor by the drink and by the bottle. So only to the west does it require more than a 20 minute drive to by either a single drink or bottle of the demon rum. The county I live in and the one I work in are both dry, but both county seats now sell liquor by the drink, and the work county will soon have liquor by the bottle. This makes sense because a smaller city in the same county voted it in last year and made over a half million in new taxes alone. Now as far as the city in my home county, I don't suspect liquor by the drink will make a huge difference. It's a small place, it isn't going to attract a major chain restaurant, I don't think the demographics are there. There are two existing ethnic restaurants that might benefit a bit, so maybe a little more tax. The dui rate is already high, so I doubt this will contribute, most of those guys prefer Coors or Bud to The Captain or Jack. There aren't any bars or clubs inside the city limits, so unless the zoning commission allows one in, I don't see any issues there unless it gets passed as a county referendum.

Other news, Jack in the Box closed the local branch. This sucks for me. I have 2 places where I like to eat breakfast, both are close to work. One is the Dairy Queen, where they have great breakfast burritos (excellent salsa) and the biscuits and gravy is good too. The other was the Jack in the Box. I loved their breakfast bowls. They also had a grilled breakfast sandwich that was good. Now I am down to one. I tried the new Burger King, but none of there additions seem that good. As far as they go, I still think the old croissanwiches are their best offering. Their breakfast bowls are about half the size of JINB and the only meat is sausage, of which BK's isn't that great. The also dropped the chicken biscuit which was my other item when I had to eat breakfast there. But on the positive side, we are getting a Blue Coast Burrito, which is apparently what happens with people from California try to cook Tex-Mex or Ari-Mex. That being said, maybe I can finally try a Baja Fish Taco. The building is done and they are hiring.

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