Thursday, November 29, 2007
Short but Sweet
This is reported to me late Wednesday before Thanksgiving and I get copies of the arrest affadavits faxed to me. I start the warrants so I can get them done on Monday. She calls later that evening and I tell her to be in between 3 and 5 Monday afternoon. She doesn't show. When I get back from training on Tuesday I finds she was arrested in the city for theft Monday at 4:00 PM. I call the officer and he tells me he picked her up for shoplifting at Walmart. She had 8 digital watches total value of about $140.
Then you have the genius that hasn't reach my probation level yet but is trying. Officers work a wreck two weeks ago on one of the local major strips. This genius was in the wreck but had a suspended license, so a ticket is issued. Later that day different officers are working a different wreck on a different strip with the same genius with the same suspended license. Incidently the genius is 19 and his license was suspended for too many traffic violations as a juvenile. He is taken in, booked and given a court date. He goes to court, pleads guilty to 2 counts driving on suspended, is given 6 months probation, court costs and fines. He leaves the court, gets in his car, and drives off. The court officer was changing shift, spotted the man and alerted police who caught him and brought him straight back to court. The judge was not amused at the man's excuse, "I was just going home." I believe he might be serving at least part of his 6 months.
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
I've Lost My Faith in Humanity
People are basically stupid.
I have a client on probation out of 2 different counties, plus she is a misdemeanor case out of a third county. She decided to give up on the misdemeanor case and just flatten her sentence. But she had some medical issues so the jail administrator told her to get those taken care of first, and he cleared it with the judge and DA. I've been watching for 2 months for her to be booked in, and brought her in once to confirm the medical condition. She got booked in Monday. Only there were some new charges on the books, so I got copies of the arrest warrants. Here is some advice:
If you decide to go for a drive, don't speed.
If you decide to go for a drive and speed, don't use your incarcerated boyfriend's car.
Especially if the company he rented it from reported it stolen because he never returned it.
If you decide to speed in a stolen car, don't have an open beer bottle in the car with you.
Also, don't have 2 sets of digital scales and $900 in cash.
If you decide to speed in a stolen car with an open container, and paraphernalia, don't give a false name and social security number when caught.
If you decide to speed in a stolen car with an open container, drug paraphernalia, and give a false identity when pulled over, don't be surprised when they find out who you are because you are supposed to report to the jail to be booked in. Also, don't be surprised they discover your license has been suspended.
Also, when they ask you if you have any drugs or weapons on you before they search you and take you to jail, you might want to mention the 3 grams of crack cocaine in the baggie stuffed up your cooter, because when they do the very thorough booking search and find it, they won't be happy.
That's right, she is charged with speeding, driving on a suspended license, violation of the open container law, possession of drug paraphernalia, theft over $15,000, possession of a controlled substance with intent to resale, introduction of contraband to a correctional facility, and criminal impersonation, with two felony probation violations soon to be added.
Story number 2:
Lady is on probation out of 2 counties, she has only 1 month left on both. I file warrants because she hasn't paid her court costs. The judge givesa her an OR bond, no money has to be paid to get released. She leaves the county without permission, gets picked up with another probationer in violation status shoplifting. The try to run from the store security, but get pulled over in their car. They find a flashlight stuffed down her pants in the packaging. The also find two blue pills concealed in a hollowed out key chain and a baggy on the floor filled with needles and straws. She admits to the officer that she uses the needles to shoot up morphine.
Then you have the guy on an 8 year sentence out of 3 counties who keeps giving me fake addresses.
I have a lot of warrants to write Monday.
Why Do I Work Here?
I think it's gone, my faith in people. I believe they are all nuts. This stems primarily from work. November is a horrible month for us. I had 4 days of court, 3 training days, and 3 holidays. Why is this bad you ask, well I still have the same amount of work to accomplish, but I lose most of those days. Only 2 of the court days were full days, the other two I made it back to the office by lunch. But that was 3 work days lost. I had a full day of training, plus 2 half days, so I lost 2 more days. That's a full work week lost. Toss in the 3 holidays and I have 8 days I can't meet with clients, write warrants, do home visits, or any of the other job requirements. That means that to get those 3 paid days off, I've had to put in several looooong days.
The state provides us with a car to use. One car for 32 people. So they reimburse us for using our personal vehicle for any work purposes, but we have to file a report that runs from the 16th of one month to the 15th of the other. We receive a reimbursement check. They have 30 days to get this check to us. It usually only takes them about 20 days, it usually arrives on the 10th. The last one got here on the 29th, and I still haven't received the one from last month. They have been getting really slow on them.
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Friday, October 19, 2007
How I Became Involved in Martial Arts
After a few years, I knew I couldn't get restarted in my solo routine. I also new I wouldn't last at a gym, because I was still shy and had no confidence. One day, at work I noticed a little karate studio had go into a shopping center near the subway I lunched at. I had been hooked on Chuck Norris and Bruce Lee movies for a while, so I poked my head in and before I knew it I had 3 private lessons coming. Now I knew there was kung-fu, which was Chinese, and karate, which was Japanese, then there was tai-kwan-do, which was Korean. There was also Judo. That was the sum total of my martial arts wisdom. I took my private lessons, got hooked and started attending classes. There was 1 private lesson and two group classes per week, with a group class on Saturday mornings, but I had to work and couldn't go to this. This cost me $10 weekly. I was supposed to be studying Kenpo Karate. I loved it and practiced at home. After about 4 months the nerd kicked in and I started buying books and magazines about martial arts. Then I started noticing things. My "sensei" didn't teach much. Heck, except for rank promotions, he was rarely there, leaving his assistant instructors to teach his classes. There was one occasion when a 12 year-old boy who was a purple belt, (this was the third belt earned) was talking about being picked on while riding a school bus and the "sensei" told him that he was a purple belt, he ought to be able to handle it. Now, I was new to this, but all my nerd research suggested that this was a little off as your "sensei" was supposed to be more than an instructor and coach, he was also supposed to be a mentor, guide, counsellor, and all round father figure.
I also noticed that of all the various brands of karate, "Kenpo" was quite famous and came in several different varieties, the descriptions of which did not even remotely match what I was learning. I was able to determine that I was learning some form of Okinawian karate, but not which one. It was about this time that two of the senior instructors vanished from the studio and noone would tell us lower ranks where they went, only that they had been expelled from the school for being dishonorable. We were to have no contact with them or to believe anything we heard about of from them. Two or three more higher ranking students stopped attending about the same time. I started asking instructors questions about the history of our art and about how it differed from other. I wasn't given very good answers. Then I was promoted to purple belt, which is when we were supposed to start sparring. There were a couple of higher belts that I was later told were instructed to "hurt" me in my match. The first time out, the girl didn't do too good, because I was a lot bigger. She got some good shots in, because I didn't have a clue how to spar. The guy blacked my eye. I got him a good shot in the ribs, then he knocked me down while standing on my foot.
While I was in the cast, I had some thinking time. I had never seen my Sensei so much as do a reverse punch. Nothing matched what it was supposed to be. I had never seen a degree certificate. I was off my leg for 2 weeks. When I could walk, I started wandering into other schools in nearby towns. I went into one and was invited to watch a class. This school taught Kenpo Karate and Aikido. When I went in to watch a class, I found all of the missing people from my old school.
It turned out that this new school was the school where my old Sensei had trained. It also seems that the 4th degree black belt had earned a Shodan (1st degree) in Shorin Ryu Karate. It turns out that the instructor at this school was a black belt in Shorin Ryu Karate who was taken under wing by the Tracys of the Tracy Kenpo Karate fame. He was trained in there system of Kenpo Karate, taught their system for teaching and running a school, and sent out to open a school. He seperated from the Tracys for a while, before reuniting with them. As a matter of fact my Sandan is listed in the family tree on their website. The instructor at this school started everyone out in Shorin Ryu, because the hard style of karate was easier to learn, then the more Chinese and jujistu oriented Kenpo. Usually about blue or green belt he branched people out, the more talented or more determined who he thought were likely to stick with it, he taught Kenpo kata, others he left in the Shorin Ryu kata system. Everyone got the Kenpo techniques though. I stayed with my first instructor for about 6 months. I stuck with the second for about 6 years, and still go visit and work out with him when I can. I stuck with my third instructor for about 7 years. My first instructor taught me to what to look for in a school and instructor, how to keep my eyes open, not to question a feeling that something isn't right. My second instructor taught me Shorin Ryu, Kenpo, Aikido, some Iado and an appreciation for Chinese Food. My third instructor taught me Judo, Jujitsu, Jodo, some Escrima, and appreciation for Guiness and Corona.
Here are a few tips for locating a school or instructor:
Avoid any school that won't let you watch a class. If they try to tell you there style or techniques are secret, something is not right.
Avoid any school where the instructor's background is secret, or where his or her background sounds like a character out of a Steven Segal movie. There really aren't that many CIA trained, former Navy Seal, retired government assassins running martial arts schools. Now that doesn't mean that some instructors don't have interesting backgrounds. My second instructor was an amry ranger who served in vietnam and he had his ranger school graduation certifated framed and hanging in the studio. He also had pictures of himself with Al Tracy and Al Descascas. My third instructor had been a Navy Seal and had his BUDS certificate hanging in the studio as well as pictures of him with his boat crew. He also had articles about himself that had been in Black Belt magazine.
Look at certificates. The main instructor should have at least copies of certicates where he has earned his rank. Does the certificate match what he claims to teach. Obscure and exotic martial arts tend to be harder to verify. The favorites around here use to be ninjutsu and thai boxing. Obscure types of wu shu and Jeet Koon Do were favorites also. Hint, Jeet Koon Do was a philosophy or a way to study martial arts taught by Bruce Lee, his actual martial arts style was Jut Fan. Lately there are lots of experts in Penjak Silat, Escrima, Arnis, and Bando in our area.
I remember one young man who came into the dojo who claimed he was a third degree black belt in Tai Chi Kickboxing. He couldn't have been over 19. First I am fairly sure he meant to say Muy Tai not Tai Chi, and second I haven't met many legitamate Sandans under 30. An none who didn't know what there art and style were called.
The thing is that the martial arts appeal to people who crave attention. They want to be a guru and have people follow them and hang on there every word. They want to be the center of the universe. Being a sensei appeals to them. Unfortunately most cannot wait until they know enough to teach. Or rather, they don't want to teach as any higher belt can instruct, so much as they want to be worshipped and that can only be done if you are top dog. It take years of training and study to reach even the first black belt.
How do you know if your instructor's rank is legitimate? It can be hard to know for sure. For one thing, there is no single governing body. There are governing bodies for arts that are allowed in the Olympics such as Judo and Tai Kwan Do, but if the instructor doesn't want to compete in sanctioned tournaments with his students, he doesn't have to join. Almost all legitamate instructors in judo however will belong to either the USJA or the Korean Kukawan and issue their rank certificates through them as membership in either is not expensive and they confer legitamacy. Tai Kwan Do schools usually belong to either the ITF or WTF although I think there may now be an ATF. The abscence of these memberships don't automaticly mean the instructor is bad, and the prescence of them doesn't make him or her a better instructor, but it might let you know what to expect. I used to encourage people to look for memberships in associations but so many of them give out rank cerificates for money now that I have to say if it isn't a well-known association, don't bother.
Schools that discourage visiting other schools or doing outside reading should be a warning. Not wanting you to visit other schools could be a sign they have something to hide. My first instructor was afraid people would drive 20 miles up the road and discover he was only a shodan and HIS instructor was so close. A good instructor also encourages any type of learning.
If what you are taught doesn't jibe with what you read, ask questions or just keep your eyes open.
If the instructor refuses to answer questions about the style he teaches, its differences from other styles, history, his lineage, it could be a bad sign, but not automatically. Martial artists tend to be independant any a little ornery, so he might have just had a falling out with his instructor. Also a lot of the newer MMA arts may not have a lot of history and they tend to worry more about how effective a technique is than where it came from. So you may have to go with your gut on this.
Find out what martial arts are taught in your area. Research them on the internet and in the library. Go talk to teach instructor. Watch a class. Most schools will let you participate in at least one group class for free. Do this. Some schools offer a free private lesson, or a small number of classes for a small fee. Be aware that many schools teach sales technique and use those hard sale tactics to lock you into a contract. That doesn't make the school a bad one, but I wouldn't sign up until I had visited every school and found the one I was most comfortable with or most interested in. The type and style of art you study is important, but the teaching style and personality of the instructor is very important too.
Also, check the local YMCA and gyms. Sometimes martial art clubs offer a more relaxed and cheaper alternative, although you may not advance as fast or receive the same amount of individual attention. Also be aware that there are a great many excercise classes that bill themselves as martil arts. Cardio kickboxing and taibo being two examples. The goal of a striking art like karate or tai kwan do is to deliver the maximum amount of power with the least amount of effort spent and spead it over the least amount of target surface. This is done with proper stances and proper bone and muscle alignment through properly executed techniques. The goal is cardio classes is to elevate the heart and breathing rate by moving the body alot. The moves may be based on free style karate and kickboxing, but noone is walking around making sure people are kicking just right or the hand is set right for the impact. If all you want is slightly exotic excercise these classes are more fun than a general arobics class, but if you want self-defense, go elsewhere. In my next post I will offer my views on club versus professional studios and a short breakdown on the various martial arts I have been involved with. I will also do a post on my views of traditional versus modern martial arts.
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Rant, Rant, Rant
Anyway I have recently became aware of the chain bulletin. Much like chain mail, people just keep forwarding the damn things. Now some of these things can be fun and are supposed to be fun. You answer stupid questions and repost them for your friends to read your answers, then answer and repost. It get tiresome when you get the same or similiar bulletin 3 or 4 times though. Recently, however, I got this stupid one on child abuse, twice. It is really a stupid post. It says Stop Child Abuse or Stop All Child Abuse, then it goes on to give statements that kids are supposed to say, like I didn't mean to spill my milk. It gives about 10 of those, says "remember when kindergarten was perfect, because some don't get that chance." Then at the end it says
How is this supposed to help anything? If you want to stop child abuse, report suspect abuses to the authorities. Learn to identify the signs of abused children, so you can spot abused children. Donate time, money, old clothes and stuff to shelters for battered women and children. Find programs to help abused children or runaways and donate time or money or food or old clothes.
Go to work for human services, children services, or a private counselling service, but don't pass around stupid bulletins about child abuse that have NO USEFUL INFORMATION.
Rant off.
Thursday, August 23, 2007
A Recent Debate
At this point I began to think. The only Glock I ever owned was a Model 17 9mm. I have shot Glocks in .40, 9mm, .45 ACP, and .357 Sig. I don't like the way a Glock feels and points for me, and I have short pudgy fingers, so the hi-cap weapons aren't always the most comfortable for me in any brand. I personally think the .45 ACP Glock has more felt recoil than a 1911 or Ruger P-90. On the other hand, I didn't find it that unpleasant, I mean we aren't talking .44 magnum range or anything. I think the .45 ACP to be a little more pleasant than the .40. I also felt the .357 Sig might have been a little louder and had a little more muzzle flash, but I didn't think it actually kicked any harder than the .40.
Personally, if the dimensions of the weapons are the same, comfort level is the same, ammo capacity is the same, and recoil is the same, I would take the .45 GAP over the .40 just because the bullet is a little larger. The .45 GAP is using the lighter weight .45 bullets, so it falls into the same range of bullet weights as the .40. I think the .45 GAP might be a little better suited to self-defense carry. On the other hand, I would want to know about penetration also. Police work might require the shooting of someone inside a car or behind a baracade, while self-defense shooting for a civilian shouldn't. The .40 might be a little faster and offer a little more penetration, which might suit it more for police work. Personally, I liked the Sig round. I want Browning to offer the Hi-Power in it soon. I like it better than the .40. I know it penetrates more, although the bullet weights are in the 9mm range. It is really a zippy round and offers more power than the 9mm or .38 super. I think it is a fun round to shoot, and should make a very nice police or self-defense round.
Monday, August 20, 2007
Drive Through Traffic Jams
You see, I don't think the fast food joints that use two windows do it to speed things up, I think they do it to take the last possible option away from the customer. You see, traditionally, if there was only an order point and a window where you paid and got your food, if the line was slow, you could almost always pull out and leave. If you pull in with 25 minutes of a 30 minute lunch break left and order a burger, fries, and drink and 15 minutes later you are still 3 cars away from the window, you need to leave and be able to grab a beef jerkey stick and drink from a convienence store to make it through the day. The double window drive through doesn't speed this up any. To make a 2 window drive through work efficiently to speed up traffic, you need a minimum of 4 people staffing it. You need one person taking orders, one person taking money and giving back change. one person carrying food to the window, and one person filling drinks and handing out the food. I don't know of a single place locally that uses more than 3 people, and most make do with two. Most places make the person taking money and making change take the orders to. That way, one register is all that is needed, but if it is busy, he has trouble taking money and making change because of the orders coming in. This can really slow down both order taking and money collecting. Now some of our local chain food shacks use two people on the second window, but some make the drink filler and food hander fetch and sack the orders, this really slows stuff down.
Now the local McDonalds uses the double window system on all it's local stores. The local Burger Kings have the double windows, but only one actually uses them and only during busy periods. I can't tell a difference in service speed. Dairy Queen and Jack in the Box both use only 1 window and aren't any slower in service on the average. I believe the real purpose of the first window is to get your money quick, so you won't leave the line if it is slow. Even if you do, they got paid for the food. I mean, we eat fast food because it is quick, convienent, and consistant, not because it tastes good. That's why we are fat, lazy and in a bad mood. Now we are being manuevered into having to put up with bad service from underpaid wage slaves. It sucks.
Wednesday, August 08, 2007
I want a Vacation
Now I might need to explain that they didn't move to another farm. Instead, they set up a storage shed in our front yard and most of their crap is there. What won't fit in the shed is on a flatbed trailer also in our front yard covered with a tarp. Her father loaned the flatbed trailer to a friend and my wife spent most of Monday unloading the trailer and putting the shit in our barn. We recently spent a weekend cleaning the barn out and hauling off junk just so we could build 2 new stalls. Now it is full of shit that isn't ours. We can't mow the front yard, because it is full of tarped furniture, appliances, and the stupid trailer the friend still hasn't picked up, but which we had to rush like hell to empty. My wife is regretting not taking my suggestion involving the 2 gallons of gasoline and the mysterious lit match that must have been tossed from the window of a passing car causing a horrible accident.
Our last three weeks have revolved around this issue. My wife can't do anything else, no time, and all our weekends are consumed by it. We now have a niece living with us, because no one else in the family will take her and the boarding school / slave camp / juvenile detainment center she has been enrolled in isn't ready for her until the middle of next week and we can't find a gypsy caravan to take her off our hands. My wife is tickled though, she has help. The girl will probably be glad to leave, the slave camp will be like a resort compared to what she is going through.
I have three days of training this week which means I am behind in everything else. I probable should stop this and get to work.
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Yet More Amazing Drama
Today she was interviewed by another local Children's Services agent. She was hooked to a polygraph which she failed big time. She was extremely detailed about 2 of the supposed occurances, but extremely vague about the other 2. They couldn't shake her on any of the details of the two and she stuck to her story. Finally someone asked how her previous story compared to her current one. They were identical. Apparently she was substituting her mother's boyfriend's name for the name of the 16-year-old, her sisters for the boy's brothers (who were apparently at the trailer), her mom's living room for the trailer's living room, and her bed room for the boy's bed room. She left all the other details the same. That is how she was able to maintain all the details. When they compared her two statements, they were identical except for the names of people and places. So mom's boy toy is off the hook for child rape.
I don't know what will happen to our little false witness though. The DCS worker told her that she couldn't live with her father. You see he didn't want to work, so he signed up for disability by getting himself committed and claiming mental illness. So as a mentally disabled person, he can't raise a child. Her father's dad is out because he was caught and charged with dui last year with her in the truck as a passenger. So if she don't stay with Mom it is either to the track with the other grandparents or off the foster home. No one else wants to risk getting accused of sexual assault the first time she gets mad at them.
Bump in the Smelly Night
I tend to revert back to my pre-married, carefree paranoid bachelor life when wifey leaves. We have a small zoo, and at this time we were slaves to 3 Saint Bernards, 5 cats, 1 cockatiel, and some fish. The dogs live in a fenced-in back yard with a large house. One of the dogs barks a lot and I ignore her. The male usually barks only when something is wrong, and if the other female barks, terrorists are attacking. I was playing on my computer and listening to the history channel when the male dog went into a barking frenzy. I went to the front room and checked the porch and front yard through the window. There was no one on the porch and no visitors in the driveway. I also went out the front door onto the porch and checked the front yard. I saw nothing unusual. The barking had stopped, so I figured that someone had probably been in the field behind the house or at my uncle’s barn. I returned to my computer. It was around 8:00 PM.
There were three more barking spells in the next 90 minutes and I was a little nervous. Something was upsetting the male dog badly, but not bothering the females. I had been out in the yard with pistol and flashlight without finding anything. I had scanned the field behind the house and my barn without finding anything unusual. I had checked the backyard from the house without seeing anything unusual. I had the mag-light and the hi-power sitting beside my keyboard and the front door deadbolted by 10:00 PM.
It was cold outside, so when the dog started barking again I put on a jacket, picked up my gear and went out the front door. I called the dogs to the fence and the male wouldn’t come to me. He would come to the corner of the house, look back into the back yard, bark, look at me, and run back around the house. I decided that what ever had him in a fit was IN the backyard, but was not visible from a window. I didn’t want to fight the female dogs to get into the gate, so I went through the house and out the back door.
I guess it might help at this point to mention that I worked my way through 5 ½ years of college at a swimming pool company. I spent 11 years with them, 10 in the pool supply store where we sold a lot of chlorine. I also have a lot of sinus problems, so I don’t have a very good sense of smell. I went out onto the back porch to discover the male dog breakdancing. He was rolling around on the ground furiously scraping his noise and head on the ground. He would then get up run into his house, bark viciously, run out and breakdance. Then he would do it over again. I quietly slipped down the steps, and took a long, slow, circuitous path to a point I could peer into the door of the doghouse, but far enough away I hoped to have time to react if something came out at me. I couldn’t imagine what could possibly be in the house that would have him upset, but which the two female dogs would completely ignore.
I disengaged the safety on the hi-power and turned on the mag light shining it into the doghouse. I was glad I had put some distance between the doghouse and me. The doghouse was not fancy, but it was large enough to house the 3 Saints plus a few of their friends. A small, black and white bundle of fur was in the back right corner of the house as I face it. I was confronting a small skunk, possibly half grown. It was spraying the dog every time the dog run in and barked at it. Then, and only then, did I become aware of the strong smell permeating the atmosphere.
I now had a problem. If I shot and missed, I might get sprayed. I also didn’t really want to shoot the little thing as it was only trying to protect itself, but what did I do? The dog would not leave the animal alone. I also had to consider what would happen to the bullet when it went through to skunk, or if I missed. I wasn’t sure I could safely shoot the skunk and not risk putting a hole in my home. I also have to admit that I don’t hunt, and while I love to shoot, I prefer to shoot targets that are not alive. I will shoot an animal if circumstances require it, but prefer to live and let live if possible. I went into the house and retrieved leashes for the dogs. I took the two females to the barn and put them into a stall we customized as a nursery when we were breeding the Saints. I then went back and retrieve the stinky male dog. I had to really drag the stupid dog away from the skunk manor resort. I left the gate open.
The skunk was gone the next morning when I checked, but the smell covered the house and yard. The smell lingered for two weeks in the front yard. The dog actually lost his odor in about a week. The backyard smelled skunky for about a month and the doghouse still has a slightly skunky odor a year and a half later.
Sunday, July 08, 2007
Sex, Lies, Evictions, and Overdrafts
You see, I have only 1 sister. She is married to a nice guy and there is very little, if any, drama. My wife's family, on the other hand, consists of 2 brothers and three sisters, many of whom live for drama, eat it for breakfast, lunch and dinner, and thrive on it.
My wife's mother is a retired jockey. Her father was a racehorse trainer. They followed the horse racing circuit while she was growing up. Needless to say, it wasn't the most stable of childhoods. This was the way the older three kids grew up, usually moving around, not much money, no friends for very long, sleeping in horse trailers, barns, a ratty RV. The younger three came late in the scheme of things and didn't move much. They pretty much grew up in Florida and Tennessee. Anyway, only one child is left home, the others have their own lives now.
Last summer my in-laws got rebit by the racing bug and decided to head back to the track, starting in Kentucky. That's where my story begins, but first a quick cast or characters.
The heroes:
Me -- your studdly, handsome, kind, intelligent, insane blogger.
Wifey -- my lovely, sexy, overly kind-hearted wife.
The evil villians:
Bossy: Her dad, who has to run everything, and who never does anything wrong, it's always someone elses fault.
The Breeze: Her mom, who is basically a kind soul, but tends to go in the direction of the least chance of conflict, which usually means agreeing with Bossy.
Know It All: Older brother who can be very annoying by thinking he knows everything and telling you exactly what you need to do.
Bitch 1: Older sister who is really good at looking out for number one at any cost. Tends to ignore her offspring or dump them on other people.
Dodge: Her younger brother, who managed to escape much of the drama, as did Know It All.
Bitch 2: Younger sister with a knack for causing or increasing drama and disappearing.
Bitch in Training. Youngest sister who is so lazy it takes three people to see her do anything.
Nephew one: Bitch 2's oldest boy.
Nephew two: Bitch 2's youngest boy.
Goof: Bitch 2's huband.
Trouble 1: Bitch 1's oldest daugher, she's maybe 13.
Trouble 2: Bitch 1's middle child, she's about 10.
Addle Brain: Bitch 1's youngest child, she's about 5. Her father is Craccked Head.
Cracked Head: Bitch 1's second ex-hubby. He took his brain out to play with it one day and lost it.
Dumb Ass: Bitch 1's first ex-hubby. He's an idiot and a jackass. Trouble 1's daddy.
Red Neck: Bitch 1's current man toy.
When my in-laws took off last year, it was only supposed to be for 30 days. It turned into more than 90. They left my wife and I to care for there farm with all the horses they didn't take. Now we live across the county from them, a good twenty minute drive if you push it. Now, with the exception of her brothers and Bitch in Training, the rest or the family was right here, so there really wasn't any reason it all got dumped on us, except that we were the only ones who could be depended on to do it. So twice a day, seven days a week, we drove 40 minutes and took care of the animals. By the time this was over, Bitch 2, Goofy, and the kids were pretty much living there. But these are the kind of people who would actually walk by an empty trough on there way fishing and not bother to fill it. (TRUE EVENT)
My father-in-law only owned out-right, one of the horses he took with him. The rest he was partnered with an idiot in Tennessee on. These were young, untrained horses, who's claimed to fame was bloodline. The bloodlines hadn't raced in at least 3 generations either. They didn't do well. The funny thing about racetracks, you have to pay to stable your horses there. You also have to feed the horses. Now with my mother-in-law and Bitch-in-Training there, he didn't have to pay anyone to clean stalls, walk or ride horses, feed ect., and my Mother-in-Law was making so extra money excersising other people's horses, but he still had the rent, utilities, animal food back home too. He ran out of money. He had two sources of income. His two sons, but the older had loaned him around 4 grand for a horse trailer when this first started, so he turned to the younger, who loaned him $1,000. This is about the time the farm he was renting went up for sale. My wife was stuck between the landlord and her father, who didn't want to talk to the landlord. It nearly drove her nuts dealing with the creditors and landlords.
Well, they made it back to Tennessee, slowly caught up on all the bills, got away from the idiot with the bad horses, hooked up with a guy who both had some better horses, and had some money to pay for training, but didn't bother looking for anyplace else to stay if the farm sold. He seemed to totally ignore the possibility, even thought they are boarding horses for other people. Worse, they are boarding studs for other people. Uncut male horses require special facilities and special handling, because if they get to close to one another, they fight.
Meanwhile my wife's oldest sister is a special kind of person. She has 3 female children, with 3 different men, two of whom she was married to at somepoint during the relationship. She never actually gets rid of any men in her life, but seems to keep a string on them in case she has a dry spell. She is currently divorced, but has a rocky relationship with a semi-psychotic, drug abusing, redneck idiot who sometimes actually maintains a job. They get along well for awhile, then one or the other of them goes psycho and he ends up in jail a few times, they break up, then a month later he moves back in. A real Norman Rockwell portrait.
This sister of my wife has a few good points, she works and works hard. She has helped us a few times, she is just a lot on the self-centered side and makes really horrible choices in men. She might be shopping through my lists of clients for candidates. Her first husband is basically a worthless bum. He will work if you make him, but would rather draw a government check, drink and do drugs. He has been in a little trouble, usually public intoxication, fighting, or bad checks, nothing requiring any real amibition. He still gets every other weekend with his daughter, but she usually stays with his parents, who give there grandchild everything she asks for. Now Bitch 1 has been working in Chattanooga, and has rented her house here out and is staying in Chattanooga.
Husband two is younger than my sister-in-law. He was a trophey husband. I think she wanted everyone to know she could get a younger, attractive man. If this was the case, she should have found someone attractive, and a man. This was a dumb kid. He was annoying, lacked ambition, liked his drugs, hated to work, and was a wonderful role model for the 3 girls. He is now in back in Florida, getting into minor trouble. She managed to help him stay in enough trouble here, that he gets locked up for failing to pay old court costs everytime she gets lonely and goes down south to get him.
Now, my in-laws went back to the track this spring. They are at least partially financed and have better horses. They spent about a month working them out. They left Bitch in Training here to care for the farm with a friend of my Mother-in-Law as backup. The two boarded studs broke through their respective fences to fight. Now BiT wasn't spending much time at home, mostly out hanging with her slutty friend, but fortunately she was home for this, and managed to get them apart and locked in stalls in the barn. This gets back to the in-laws and they asked my wife to check things out. We go over to the farm and BiT is gone. Both stallions are back in their pens. They had knocked boards off their respected fences to get out. The older stud had removed three boards. The boards had been propped up against the posts to form an "X" to keep him in. Someone had held the two loose boards from the younger stud's pen up to the poles and beat on them until about a tenth an inch of the bent nails were back in the poles. The boards fell off when I touched them.
I pulled the old nails out and renailed the boards. As this was old weathered boards, it wasn't easy. Fortunatley we were in the truck and I still had some galvanized nails from building chicken coups at the house in the truck along with a hammer. I was ready to blame this on BiT, but an investigation showed that the family friend, apparently strong on wishful thinking and low on mental capacity had moved the stud's back out after "repairing" the fence.
The straw came when my wife found on several trips that the boarded mare, pregnant, but now with a cute little male foal, had no water. The heat is horrible here with little rain, and the family friend may or may not having been filling the water tub, but BiT wasn't home enough and wouldn't check when she was home, so we took her to Kentucky. They moved another guy in to care for the farm and it was working until the farm sold. We found that out Saturday. They have about 26 days to move, and no plan. They now have 4 boarded horses, two studs and no place to put them. To make matters worse, my father-in-law wants to wing everything. He is depending on my wife to pay bills, check the mail, and deposit checks. He has her get out a printout of his bank account every trip, but ignores her when she tells him what's what. He was overdrawn and she deposited a $1000 which gave him a $400 balance. She told him this, but for some reason he decided he had $1400 in the bank and promptly overdrew again about $500. My mother-in-law got a call on a bounced check and they ended up fighting about it. My father-in-law never does anything wrong, so of course he started trying to blame my wife, who let him have it. This occured first, then we found out about the farm. But before all this we experienced:
Trouble 1 went to stay with her father for the weekend. He and his new wife, girlfriend, what ever, decided to go out. They left the girl with a neighbor, a 21 year old girl. The girl has her 16 year-old brother over. Trouble is around 12 or 13. Everyone goes to bed and leaves the 16-year-old boy and the 13-year-old girl by themselves. They decide to play hide the salami. The girl feels guilty and writes a very detailed note to the woman of the house apologizing for what they did, but instead of leaving it there takes it with her where her mother's boyfriend finds it. In the insueing chaos, it comes out that Dumb Ass and his thing both have hepatitus C, have known for a while, but haven't told anyone and have been letting Trouble 1 use Dumb Ass's toothbrush when she is staying over. Well, Bitch 1 decideds to head to DCS and see if she can get Dumb Ass's visiting priviledges suspended until all this can be sorted out. Once there Trouble 1 tells the case worker that Red Neck has molested her "a long time ago, like a year ago". This girl can't keep her mouth shut about anything. If she knows something, everyone knows it and quick, but she is claiming this guy did this and she kept quiet about it for a year. Also it seems odd that this comes out right when she thinks her father is getting in trouble and the guy she is pointing the finger at is the one that found her little note and started the ball rolling. It doesn't help that the girl has accused people, well Cracked Head, of abusing her (non-sexually) before and it was a crock of shit. Anyway, now there is a big meeting coming up on Tuesday where hopefully the truth will be revealed.
I personally have trouble believing the girl. I don't like Red Neck, but the girl is known to be untruthful, has made false accusations before, generally runs her mouth a lot. Neither of the other two girls claims he has ever touched them, but they are younger and not developing yet. If their is the least chance of this being true, something has to be done. Needless to say, there is uproar.
Thursday, July 05, 2007
Itchy Things
In clearing the area around the chicken coops and mowing the yard, I managed to get poison ivy on my right leg, where it keeps moving around. I was wearing jeans while working. Then a week later I wore the same jeans, after washing them in hot water and detergent from a major manufactorer, and got poison ivy on the back of my right knee and the front of my left leg. Apparently instead of washing off the vicious oil, I just relocated it on the jeans.
We hosed the area around the one coop with weed killer, and it seems to be working, but the blasted poison oil stays in the dead plants forever, you can get itchy hauling the carcus of the stuff away. I have also picked up several ticks this spring and summer. They are bad here in middle Tennessee. They have been bad for several years. I picked one off my balls last week. You want to talk about something scary to a man!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Dangerous Individual Apprehended
Friday, May 18, 2007
Not Much of an Update
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Monday, April 09, 2007
Went with my sister's husband to see Grindhouse Saturday night. It was cool. Both directors outdid themselves in going over the top. Planet Terror was more humorous than I expected, the zombies were rather disgusting, and Rose McGowan looked GOOD. The fake trailers were cool, although Eli Roth's was a little too sick for me. Zombie did a good job, he should make that movie and send it straight to video, I know a lot of people who would buy it. The same with Machete. Anywho, Death Proof started a little slow, but picked up speed. It is a homeage to the old 70's car chase movies, and the old stalker movies. It is well done.
I got an email from the biggest, most annoying ripoff. That has to be the stupidest thing that is currently under my skin. A long time ago, I was stupid enough to go to classmates looking for someone. I didn't know how the site worked and I posted a "free" profile, searched and discovered that unless you pay them money, you really can't do anything. You have free access to the boards, that's about it. You can't view profiles, you can't view pictures, you can't email anyone. You can't even view the people that visit YOUR profile, or sign YOUR guestbook. They send you emails saying how many people visit your profile or alert you that someone has signed your guestbook, but you can't see who. Now the content of their site is profiles. People go there to try to connect with old acquaintances. Now I have a business degree so I see the business plan. People provide the content of the site for free, then advertising is sold based on the amount of content and the number of hits. Then people pay for memberships. That way there is 2 sources of income, but no expenses on content as that is provided for free, only equipment and maintainance costs. That is cool, and I could even live with not being able to email or message another person without a membership, but to not even view the guestbook on my own profile for free? Are they afraid people would post email addresses on the guest book? Then limit the guest book to names and dates visited only. Rip off!!!!
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Police Procedurals
Taking a look at the CSI franchise I see simularities of course, but some big differences. In similarities, each of the three centers around a team of young forensic investigators headed by a wise father-figure type. In the original it is William Peterson's Gil Grissom. He is still the perfect example. In Miami it is David Caruso's Horatio Cain, and with New York it is Gary Sinise's character who's name escapes me.
On the differences, William Peterson's character is important to the show, but not the show. It could function somewhat without him as recently proven. This character has apparently always been a CSI and worked his way up. The original show relies much less on stunt plotting, rarely reverting to something coming out of someone's past or private life bleeding over onto the job, and when it does happen, it seems less like an intrusion and more natural. Gil Grissom doesn't seem to dominate the spotlight and the show seems to allow the other CSI's to shine and to grow.
CSI New York also seems to work on this theory. The show doesn't really center around the main character, but allows the other CSI's room. It does seem to bring in more personal skeletons and crap, but not too intrusively. I don't watch it as regular, but the CSI's seem more bland than the one's in Vegas, but it could be my lack of viewing. I do think it is the better of the two spin offs. I think the main CSI has a military background and came out of law enforcement into the CSI realm.
CSI Miami seems to center around Horatio Caine, superdude. He's been everything, bomb squad, swat team, sniper, spiderman. Everything seems to revolve around him and you get the idea that is he left for more than a couple of days, Miami would sink into the ocean. Even when the show is supposed to deal with another CSI it always seems to come back to Caine. And so much is something coming out of the past, or back to haunt. Can't they just solve random crimes that don't involve terrorists, or someones deep dark secrets?
NCIS seems different, yes Jethro Gibbs is the central father-figure and a fount of wisdom, but 1) he's grumpy, 2)the show isn't meant to be as dark or serious as the CSI series, it's just a mindless romp, 3)he's a former marine sniper. The show is very tounge in cheek and filled with likable, somewhat stock characters with good chemisty. Abby, Ziva, and Agent Lee are hot enough for eye candy. You have the guy who almost married Jessica Alba for the ladies and then of course Gibbs, Ducky, Jennie for people who want more maturity. We also have the Probbie for the geekly inclined. I like the light atmosphere and it has more action than New York or Vegas, but is now where near as campy as Miami has unintentionally become.
Bones is also more humorous than CSI. It is intentional, although Bones can be dark too. I like the chemistry and while Booth and Bones are the core of the show, they don't hog the spotlight. The supporting cast work great and all get time to shine. The show is well written and ususally pleases. Bones and House are about my only Fox mainstays.
Friday, March 09, 2007
The History of the Modern Cow
Wife -- Wife of Wify
Her oldest sister -- The Cow
Her next youngest sister-- Former cheerleader
Her youngest sister -- the brat
The Cow's children-- Demon spawn 1
Demon spawn 2
The apolcalyptic doom of all mankind, super ultra strength demon spawn
The Men in her life:
Husband 1 -- The Moose (big and stupid)
One Night Stand -- Poor Snook
Boyfriend 1 -- The Jailbird
Husband 2 -- Crackhead (young, small, and stupid, but highly annoying)
Boyfriend 2 -- The truck driver
Boyfriend 3 -- MethHead (extra stupid, but probably bi-polar and psychopathic)
The countless thousands of others.
Okay, basically The Cow got herself knocked up by the Moose, which resulted in Demon Spawn 1. Then later she hooked up with Poor Snook, got pregnant, screamed rape and ended up with Demon Spawn 2. Then she divorced the Moose, and moved to Tennessee, supposedly to get rid of him, but then he followed her up here. Down here she goes crazy for awhile, then goes back to Florida and returns with Crackhead. They live together, break up, he goes away, comes back , they rinse and repeat, then they get hitched, create Dadoamsusds, break up, divorce, rinse, repeat. Basically, whenever she gets bored, she goes back to Florida and gets the little idiot. When she gets tired of him, she moves another guy in, which is where the truck driver and the jail bird come in. They are guys to run off other guys. At some point she went to Florida and brought back FatBastard. He's had a thing for her since he met her, years ago and will do anything she asks. She gives him just enough to keep him on a leash and if noone else is available, will bring him in to run off a persistant mantoy. After getting rid of Crackhead, she moved Methman in, but he's nuts and kindly gets violent, so sometimes he actually scares her.
She basically keeps each of these guys on a leash someway or other. She never really lets any of them go. And for some reason, they won't leave on their own. I don't get it. If I were treated the way she treats these nut cases, I would get pissed and head for the hills. I realize that she has kids by 2 of them, but still. You know after acusing the one guy of raping her, only to have the case dropped, years later she tried to sue him for child support. She is a real work of art guys. Quite a catch.
We Return Now to As the Trailer Park Turns
That seemed the end of it until 11:00 PM Saturday night when she knocked on the door again. She was near hysterical and crying and said she couldn't take it, he wouldn't leave her alone, they were fighting. He was driving around in her Ford Ranger, drunk while she was gone, was drunk now and trying to take the truck. Wife helped her hide the truck, then offered to put her up for the night, but she insisted on calling the cops to do a welfare check on the children. Now the kids were with pyschomethhead the alcoholic bipolar mental patient, who isn't baby-daddy to any of them. So he tells the deputy that he isn't responsible for them. Deputy comes over and starts questioning sister-in-law idiot. She tells him as little as possible. Deputy leaves to make a cell call or 12. Then he returns and tells her that psycho meth brain doesn't want to be responsible for the kid and she needs to do something, because he won't leave them there.
Now, she moved methman in, so it is his residence. He can't be forcibly removed, he has to be evicted, which takes time. He isn't father to any of the demon children, so he can't be held responsible for them. She's hummed and hemmed and hawed around until the deputy thinks she is on drugs. She finally lets slip that idiot boy has been carrying a ball bat around and now the deputy thinks she is in danger. He is in a bind. He can't leave the kids in the house with bipolar the boy binge drinker, because he doesn't want to be responsible for them, and the cop is not legally liable for them. He can't let her go home, because he has heard enough to think the situation might be dangerous, and is legally liable. So the only choice is for her to go get the kids and take them somewhere.
Now my sister-in-law, The Cow, has been through this more times than I can count, and knows how it goes. She isn't willing to take out charges on Bipolar Boy, but she doesn't want to get the kids either. I think she let the situation get too far out of control, because she now has no options, so she agrees to go get the kids and heads out the door. It is cold out, and she is wearing pajamas. I think she is going to get in either the cop car or my wife's car. The deputy stops to talk with me a little, then goes out and The Cow is nowhere to be seen. We look, he radios in, then follows my wife to where the truck was left. I get my flashlight and check the barn, backyard, and chicken coop, then go in, arm myself, and head out in the car. I go up the road to the church, but don't see her. I notice a car on the road behind me as I go back to the house, but pay little attention, pulling in the driveway behind my wife.
She reports no sign of her, but that the deputy had called for help and was watching the truck. She asks me to go down the road toward Tanya's house. I take the wife's car, which is warmer, and head toward Tanya's. At this point she has been missing about 15 minutes at most. I figure she would have made it maybe to the stop sign if she was really booking. No sign of her. I find her at the other church, almost half-way to her house. She is talking to FatBastard, the former friend of the family who is no longer allowed anywhere near my home or wife, and may not be allowed near her youngest sister, or any other member of the family my father-in-law has any control over. She is outside the car talking through the window, and he takes off when he spots me. She gets in the car and I head back to where the deputy is waiting. She tells me she was going home to get her kids, like the deputy wanted. She is acting really weird and the next thing I know I have 2 sheriff's cars behind me. I pull over and get questionned. I explain what is going on and where I was headed. I now find the DCS has been called because of her disappearing act.
After much talking, and me sweating a little because there is a .45 auto under the jacket, it's legal, but still.... I end up driving her to her house, where she tries to load the girls into her Dodge pickup, which MethMan flattened a tire on and the police won't let her take, because the trip to the store would be too dangerous, she loads them into her car. Then she asks one of the Deputies to get her cell phone and the ball bat. Well the cell phone was easy, but Psycho denied knowing anything about a bat. At this point, the demon children spoke up about where it was. The supervisor searched for it but did not find it. She leaves and I make a statement and get to go home.
Apparently he moved out semi-voluntarily Monday. She is trolling the internet looking for another man as you read this so beware. If you aren't a bi-polar, alcohol drinking, meth-taking, psycho nut case now, you will be after a few months of her. Not that it's over with Idiot Boy, this is go around 3 or 4 with them, I've lost count. For a little more info on The Cow check out I've compressed many years into a few paragraphs, but you will get the idea.
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Let's Play Catchup
On the home front, one of my collegues told me one of his clients was in jail and couldn't make bail, so the guys girlfriend takes a job stripping to raise his bail money. She had to quit though, after getting raped one afternoon in the parking lot.
Stupid news about famous people:
Okay, two recent examples seems to prove that the white trash gene breeds true.
Lindsay Lohan checks herself into an in-patient addiction treatment program. They agree to let her go to work each day, although it decreases her chances of successfully completing the program. She then treats the program like a vacation resort, going and coming as she pleases. Then when she is released from the program, she celebrates by going to a nightclub.
Britney Spears proves she is a fit mother by having a crying jag, going into a hair salon, asking them to shave her head, then shaving it herself when they refuse, crying some more, then driving to a tatoo parlor and getting some ink done. Yes, I want her raising my children. She did all this after checking herself into a treatment program and then leaving before it started. Not like she has shown much common sense in the past, but this chick is really loosing it and fast.
Guess it just goes to show you can take the girl out of the trailer park, but ya can't take the trailer park out of the girl.
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
February Fools
Thing number one, I have been moved to a specialized and highly active caseload based in a larger county. The shift kept me working my ass off the last couple of weeks, but it is mostly done. I still pick up a few things from the old caseload.
Thing number two. I went to court in my old home county yesterday and they brought out a violation on another caseload. The judge was quizzing her about her failures to report for the last 2 months and she claimed it was because she had been incarcerated. He wanted to know why, as in did she have new charges that would also violate her probation. She claimed that she had been in carcerated in one county in December and a second county in January. Neither county was the one she was presently in court on. One incarceration, the one in January, she claimed was for a failure to appear in court. The second incarceration was on a misdemeanor probation violation out of a general sessions court case for failure to report to her officer. The judge was very curious as to the length of both of these incarcerations. Apparently they were both 10 days long. She could not report to her state probation officer because she had been locked up for 10 days. She couldn't explain why she could not report on the days she wasn't locked up. The judge then asked her what she did for a living and she told him she was employed by H and R Block. The judge took a long serious look at the young woman who was on probation with the state for a felony, on probation in one county for a misdemeanor, unable to meet the terms of either probation, and unable to appear in court when she is supposed to and stated "I can't tell you how much confidence it gives me to know that YOU are giving people advice about their income tax." She then asked him to set her a bond.
Monday, January 29, 2007
Monday, January 22, 2007
Trying Times
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
Well I done it.
The first time I did this was in 1994 or 1995. I had just bought a Ruger KP90D .45 auto and fired maybe 100 rounds through it. I decided to take it to the test. The live fire part of the test consists of two 50 round courses, in which you have to score good hits with at least 36 of 5o rounds. I did a 47 and a 48. 15 of the 50 are done weak handed.
So this time I have 3 choices on what to take to the class. I have a Hi-power, I have fired about 50 rounds through, a Bersa Thunder 380 that has had maybe 25 rounds through it, and a Raven 25 I fired 5o rounds through and haven't done anything other than clean in many moons. I picked the Hi-Power, but took the Bersa for emergencies. The Hi-power did fine. I scored a 45 and 46. Toward the end I did have one failure to eject on a spent cartridge, so it was getting a little dirty, I need to clean it good before storing.
Now I have to take a copy of my birth certificate, an application, a copy of the certificate of completion of class and $115 over to the THP driver's testing station and they will take forever to finish the application and send me somewhere to be finger printed. Then in 30 to 90 days, I will get a card in the mail saying I can carry a handgun, except where I can't.
Thursday, January 11, 2007
Academy Awards for Tennessee
Okay, in my present county, I have to stay in court as long as it is in session, but in other courts, I can leave once my case is heard. The county our office is in is large, court is often, and the dockets are large. My person's last name began with Y, which is bad when dockets are done alphabetically. Also the ADA didn't want to do a deal, the person really didn't deserve a deal, but is really good at appearing sympathetic, so I was there all day.
Several interesting things happened though. First, there was the guy that had been in court so often in the past, that they couldn't appoint him an attorney. Everyone in court, and there were about 15 defense attorneys including the public defender's office, had a conflict or a connection to the underlying case. Then there was the chick that took the stand in her own defense on a probation violation and cried for the court about being seperated from her 4 year old child because of the 21 days she had already done in jail. It was not an award winning performance, you could see she was forcing the tears and the probation officers in the jury box were so busy grinning and sniggering that we distracted the judge, who is a former ada and was more amused by us than the witness. She went to jail. She didn't have a good explanation about why she wasn't worried about her 4-year-old while she was doing the marijuana and cocaine that got her violated on her probation.
My client was very worthy of an award, however. She is a victim of throat cancer, and this allows her much sympathy. It also gives her access to drugs. She is under suspicion of manufacturing scripts to buy meds and selling these but that hasn't been proven. She did however pick up new charges and plead guilty to them, disappear for almost a year to avoid the investigation of the drug stuff, then get picked up on both my warrant and the warrant of the probation officer on her new charges. Now the local jail doesn't want this woman. She is taking all kinds of cancer meds, and keeps them scared by talking about all her upcoming surgeries, which could be true or could be b.s. One of the charges she is on probation for is perjury.
She shows up in court and things don't seem to be going her way, so at lunch, she goes home and brings her baby back to court. She also brings a lady that sits across the room from her and is pretending not to know her, but she later gives the baby to this lady. Anyway, it works and the big, tough ADA ends up making her case for her, so she gets moved to house arrest and electronic monitoring and extended for a year rather than going to special need prison. Oh well, out of what's left of my hair anyway.