Monday, August 09, 2010

Flip-Flops, Chiggers and Things

I realize that times are less formal than they used to be but What the Hell? Last month I had a client setting across from me explaining that he was going to a job interview right after he left the office. He wasn't wearing a tie, but coat and tie seem to have gone out except for professional and managerial type jobs. He was wearing a nice, dark-colored golf/polo type shirt. He was also wearing clean blue jeans. Well he was looking for a warehouse/installer type position so okay, that was probably appropriate, but he hadn't bother to shave and was wearing flip-flops, the world's most annoying foot-wear. Now today, another client, this one female, told me she was trying to get a mail-room job at the local paper and was going there after she left my office. She was wearing a tight red tee-shirt, tight grey gym shorts, and flip-flops. My office co-workers make extra money in the summer by raising baby penguins in their offices, so the thermostat is usually set to 10 degrees Fahrenheit in the summer months. As such I deduced that while she was wearing a bra, it was probably pretty thin. Oddly enough, my coworkers apparently raise monkeys and tropical plants during the winter, and the thermostat is usually move up to about 110 degrees. I think her outfit was a bit too casual, even for a casual job, although I have to admit, her ass and those shorts complimented each other rather well, and she does have nice legs. If she can keep her level of perkiness after leaving the office and has a male interviewer, she might stand a chance. Got to go spray disinfectant on the chair and get ready for my next client.

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